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Friday, 20 May 2016

Health News-Oral cancer is a cancer that grows and develops in the mouth. For example on the lips, tongue, gums, mouth wall, as well as the palate. This cancer can spread directly to the tissues around the mouth or through the lymph nodes. Among all cancer cases that arise, it is estimated there are only two percent of oral cancer. Therefore, this type of cancer, including cancers that rarely happens.

Most oral cancer attacks the elderly aged 50-75 years and is more common in men than in women. But this cancer can also occur in young adults, mainly as a result of infection with HPV (human papillomavirus).

Oral Cancer Type

Oral cancer is the most common is squamous cell carcinoma. It is estimated that approximately 90 percent of patients suffering from this type of oral cancer.

Other types of oral cancers are oral malignant melanoma and adenocarcinoma. Oral Malignant Melanoma is a cancer that develops from melanocytes cells. Whereas adenocarcinoma is a cancer that attacks the salivary glands.
Symptoms of Oral Cancer

Such as cancer in general, the symptoms of oral cancer is also sparse and difficult to detect at an early stage. Therefore, we should be aware of the symptoms generally include:

Sores that do not heal.
Redness or white patches in the mouth.
A lump or thickening in the wall in the mouth.
Pain in the mouth, especially the tongue.
Difficult or pain when swallowing and chewing.
Rocking teeth without any obvious cause.
Voice change.
Having difficulty speaking.
Swollen lymph nodes in the neck.
Jaw stiff or sore.
Sore throat.

Oral Cancer

Causes and Risk Factors Oral Cancer

Oral cancer are caused by changes in the cells develop in the mouth or lips. The cause behind this mutation is not known with certainty. However, there are several factors that are believed to trigger the appearance of this cancer. Among others are:
Use any kind of tobacco, such as cigarettes, cigars, and chewing tobacco.
Excessive alcohol consumption.
Infection with HPV (human papillomavirus).
Poor diet.
Oral hygiene is not maintained, for example, letting cavities or gum infections.
Chewing betel nuts.

Oral Cancer Prevention Steps

Because the cause is unknown, oral cancer can not be prevented completely. But you still can take simple steps to reduce the risks, namely:

Quit smoking and do not use tobacco in any form.
Avoid or limit your alcohol consumption.
Apply a healthy diet and balanced, especially with the increasing consumption of vegetables and fruits.
Maintain oral hygiene, such as brushing teeth diligently.
Dental health checked regularly, at least once a year.

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Health News-Bladder cancer is the growth of abnormal tissue or tumors in the bladder wall that are malignant. Organ function bladder itself is accommodating urine before it is piped out of the body during urination.

Patients with bladder cancer are generally older people. Once addressed, the patient should follow the advanced testing for bladder cancer have a big enough risk for recurrence.

In addition to the bladder wall, bladder cancer may also spread to the muscles around the bladder. Immediately consult a doctor if there is blood in the urine, although it did not hurt.
Symptoms of Bladder Cancer

A symptom is something that is felt and told by the patient. Symptoms that are commonly experienced by people with bladder cancer is blood in the urine is usually not accompanied by pain.

Some of the symptoms of bladder cancer are:

    Frequent urge to urinate suddenly.
    Frequency of urination more frequent, but the amount of urine that is issued only slightly.
    Frequent urinary tract infections.
    Burning or stinging sensation during urination.
    Pain in the back.

If the bladder cancer has reached an advanced stage and began to spread, some of the perceived symptoms the patient is:

    Swelling of the legs.
    Pain in the pelvic or rectal area.
    Weight loss for no apparent reason.
    Pain in the bones.

Bladder Cancer

Causes and Risk Factors Bladder Cancer

The emergence of bladder cancer are caused by changes in the cells in the bladder. However, the exact cause of bladder cancer is unknown at this time. However, bladder cancer is often associated with smoking, parasitic infections, exposure to chemicals, and radiation.

Some of the things that also increase a person's risk of bladder cancer are:

     Age. The risk of bladder cancer increases as you get older.
     Men, more at risk of developing bladder cancer than women.
     The white race. The whites had a higher risk of bladder cancer than other human races.
     Had undergone cancer treatment.
     Are taking certain diabetes medication.
     Chronic bladder inflammation.

Diagnosis is a step the doctor to identify the disease or condition that explains the symptoms and signs experienced by the patient. Tests are normally conducted by physicians to diagnose bladder cancer are:

Cystoscopy. The procedure in which a tiny camera mounted on a smooth hose with light, used to examine your bladder.
Imaging tests. The doctor will take a detailed picture of the bladder with a CT scan, intravenous urogram, or MRI.
Biopsy. The doctor will take a tissue sample to be tested. The sampling procedure is commonly known by the acronym TURBT (transurethral resection of bladder tumor).
Urine cytology. Patient urine samples will be examined whether it contains cancer cells.

Bladder Cancer Prevention

There are some precautions to avoid bladder cancer, namely:

Diet. Fruit and vegetable intake is high, and the reduction of fatty foods can supposedly help prevent bladder cancer.
Increase consumption of mineral water. In theory, the toxic substances that accumulate in the bladder can be diluted and removed more quickly by increasing the consumption of mineral water.
Be careful with chemicals. Reduce the risk of exposure to multiple chemicals by using protective. Especially those who work in the factory and is directly in contact with the rubber-making materials, textiles, plastics, coloring, and diesel fumes.
Quitting smoking will reduce exposure to cancer-causing chemicals into the body.

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Health News-Blood cancer or leukemia is a cancer that attacks the cells that form blood cells in the bone marrow. In normal conditions, the white blood cells will grow on a regular basis at the time the body needs to fight infection appear.

Yet another case with people with blood cancer. The bone marrow to produce white blood cells that is abnormal, it can not function properly, and to excess. Excessive amount will result in a buildup in the bone marrow cells of healthy blood will be reduced.

Blood cancer or leukemia

Types of Blood CancerThere are various types of blood cancer. Based on the speed of its development, this cancer can be classified into acute and chronic.Acute blood cancer growing rapidly due to increasing the number of abnormal white blood cells that rapidly and spread into the bloodstream. This type must be dealt with immediately.Meanwhile, chronic blood cancer develops slowly and in the long term. Symptoms tend not immediate so that newly diagnosed after years. White blood cells that should have died will be alive and accumulate in the blood, bone marrow, and other organs involved.Blood cancer can also be categorized according to the type of white blood cell that is attacked. Blood cancer that attacks the lymph cells known as leukemia limfotik and attacking cells called myeloid leukemia mielogen.Based on the above two groupings, there are four types of blood cancer most often occurs. Here is an explanation for each type.

Limfotik acute leukemia or acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL)ALL can inhibit lymphocyte function so that infected potentially serious infections. Blood cancer is generally diidap by children, but adults may also be attacked.Mielogen acute leukemia or acute myelogenous leukemia (AML)It is a type of blood cancer that primarily affects adults. AML but also can diidap by children and adolescents. This cancer will form myeloid cells are not perfect and can clog blood vessels.Limfotik chronic leukemia or chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)This type of blood cancer only experienced by adults. CLL usually detected at an advanced stage because patients tend not feel the symptoms for a long time.Mielogen Chronic leukemia or chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML)This type of blood cancer generally affects adults. CML has two stages. In the first stage, abnormal cells will grow slowly. Then upon entering the second phase, the number of abnormal cells increases rapidly so that the patient's condition will decrease drastically.

Symptoms of Blood Cancer

Symptoms of blood cancer is very diverse. Each sufferer usually experience different indications, depending on the type of blood cancer pathway.

Indications of this cancer also tend to be difficult to identify due to be similar to other conditions, such as flu. Therefore, we need to be aware of the common symptoms are not getting better or subside, such as

Limp or ongoing fatigue.

Throws up.
Excessive sweating, especially at night.
Pain in the bones or joints.
Weight loss.
Swelling of the lymph stains, liver, or spleen.
Infection appears severe or frequent.
Easy bleeding (eg, frequent nosebleeds) or bruises.
Red spots appear on the skin.

If you or your child has any of the symptoms above, immediately contact and consult a doctor

Causes and Risk Factors Blood Cancer
The basic cause of blood cancer is not known with certainty. But there are a number of factors are expected to increase a person's risk for this cancer. Factors triggering blood cancers include:

Heredity. If you have family members who suffer from blood cancer, your risk for developing the same cancer will increase.
Genetic disorders, such as Down syndrome.
Had undergone cancer treatment. Certain chemotherapy or radiotherapy could be expected to trigger a blood cancer.
Effect of blood disorder that affects, for example myelodysplastic syndrome.
Never experienced a high level of exposure to radiation or certain chemicals. For example, people who have been involved in accidents relating to nuclear reactors or undergo chemical substances such as benzene exposure.
Smoke. Smoking not only increases the risk of blood cancer (leukemia mielogen especially acute), but also a variety of other diseases.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Blood Cancer
At the initial stage, the doctor will ask the symptoms that existed before checking your physical condition. If you suspect you are suffering from blood cancers, such as swelling in the lymph stains, liver, or spleen, doctors will recommend more detailed examination that includes blood tests and a bone marrow biopsy.

Blood tests will show the levels of abnormal white blood cells. While bone marrow biopsy is used to confirm the presence of cancer cells in blood. The procedure is done by taking a sample of bone marrow is also used to determine the type of blood cancer.

After a positive blood cancer diagnosis, the doctor will discuss the appropriate treatment measures. The type of treatment that you will live depends on many factors, including your age and health conditions as well as the type and stage of cancer of the blood that you are contracting. Here is a method of treatment is generally recommended for handling blood cancer.

Chemotherapy to kill cancer cells.
Radiotherapy to destroy and inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
Therapy focused on attacking vulnerable parts of cancer cells.
Biological therapies to help the immune system recognize and attack cancer cells.
A stem cell transplant or a stem cell to the replacement of the bone marrow that has been damaged by the sound. The stem cells used can come from your own body or the body of another person as a donor. Chemotherapy or radiotherapy usually be performed as a preparatory step before undergoing the transplant procedure.

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Thursday, 19 May 2016

Health News-Cervical cancer is cancer that appears on a woman's cervix. The cervix itself serves as the entrance to the uterus from the vagina. At any age, all women can develop cervical cancer. But the disease tends to affect women who are sexually active between the ages of 30-45 years. Cervical cancer is extremely rare in women under 25 years old.

In the early stages, cervical cancer usually has no symptoms. Symptoms of cervical cancer is the most common vaginal bleeding that occurs after sex, outside the menstrual period, or after menopause. Although there is bleeding, does not necessarily mean you are suffering from cervical cancer. To ascertain the cause of your condition, ask your doctor immediately. If cervical cancer is suspected, a referral to see a specialist will be provided.

Cervical Cancer

According to WHO, there are 490,000 women worldwide develop cervical cancer each year. And 80 percent of whom are in developing countries. Every one minute to appear new cases every two minutes and there is one person dying from cervical cancer. So it can be concluded that cervical cancer is a type of cancer that often affects women.

In a country on a daily basis, is expected to appear 40-45 new cases and about 20-25 people die from cervical cancer. It means that every month a state lost 600-750 women from cervical cancer. The mortality rate of cervical cancer is high and largely due to delays in diagnosis. Usually the cancer has spread to other organs in the body when a person check their condition. This is why treatment is becoming increasingly difficult.

Human Papillomavirus as Major Cause of Cervical Cancer
Nearly all cases of cervical cancer caused by human papillomavirus, or HPV. HPV is a collection of viruses that cause warts on the hands, feet, and genitals. HPV is very common sexually transmitted and can be a cause of cervical cancer. There are many types of HPV and most are harmless virus. But there are some types of HPV that interfere with the cells of the cervix to be able to function normally and could eventually lead to cancer.
Of the many types of HPV, there are two types of HPV that most dangerous virus, HPV 16 and HPV 18. These two types of virus that cause 70 percent of cervical cancer cases. Many women do not realize has been infected because these HPV types cause no symptoms. It is important to realize that these infections often occur, although many infected women do not develop cancer.
Condoms can protect you from HPV during sex, but not always perfectly in preventing infection. When infected with HPV, a woman's immune system to prevent the virus to injure the uterus, but in some women, HPV virus can last for years. This resulted in cells that are on the surface of the cervix change into cancer cells.
Vaccines to prevent HPV infection risk of causing cancer is already available. HPV vaccination that currently there is a bivalent vaccine for HPV 16 and 18 or kuadrivalen vaccine for HPV 6, 11, 16 and 18.

Determining the level of Stage Cervical Cancer Treatment

Treatment of cervical cancer depends on several factors. Cervical cancer can be treated with surgery if the diagnosis is made at an early stage. In some cases, only the cervix and uterus are removed can be left alone. If more, the uterus needs to be removed entirely. The process operation for removal of the uterus is called hysterectomy.

While radiotherapy is an alternative measure for early stage cervical cancer. In certain cases, radiotherapy is also used alongside surgery. For cases of advanced cervical cancer, are usually treated with a combination of chemotherapy and radiotherapy methods. Some treatment can have serious side effects and long term, including of whom are premature menopause and infertility.

Cervical Cancer Life Expectancy

The future of cervical cancer sufferers is determined by the stage of diagnosis of cervical cancer received. Stage cervical cancer stages from one to four that describe the level of development and spread of cancer. Expectancy survive at least five years after being diagnosed with cervical cancer, grouped into the status of the stadium:

     Stage 1 - 80-99 percent
     Stage 2 - 60-90 percent
     Stage 3 - 30-50 percent
     Stage 4-20 percent

There is no one specific way to make prevention of cervical cancer. But there are ways to reduce the risk of this cancer.

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Health News-Cancer is a disease caused by abnormal growth of tissue cells of the body that turn into cancer cells. During its development, the cancer cells can spread to other body parts that can cause death.Cancer is often known by the public as a tumor, but not all tumors are cancerous. Tumor is all lumps are not normal or abnormal. Tumors were divided into two groups, namely benign and malignant tumors. Cancer is a general term for all types of malignant tumors Cancer can happen to everyone, in every part of the body, and on all gologan age, but more often affects people over the age of 40 years.Generally, before the cancer is widespread or damaging surrounding tissue, the patient does not feel any complaints or symptoms. When you have any complaints or symptoms, the disease is already advanced.There are 7 symptoms that need to be considered and examined further to the doctor to confirm the presence or absence of cancer.

  1. Time small bowel or no change habits or disturbances.
  2. Tools disturbed digestion and difficulty swallowing.
  3. Hoarseness or a cough that will not heal
  4. Breast or elsewhere there was a lump (tumor).
  5. Andeng-andeng (moles) were changed in character, became bigger and itching.
  6. Blood or abnormal mucus out of the body
  7. Their sores or ulcers that will not heal.

Most types of cancer can be prevented by healthy lifestyle habits from a young age and avoid factors that cause cancer.
Although the causes of cancer is not known, everyone can take steps to prevent the healthy way of life and avoid the causes of cancer.

  • Regarding the food
  • Reduce excessive fatty foods
  • Eat more fibrous foods.
  • More eat colored vegetables and fruits, several times a day
  • Eat more fresh food 
  • Reduce foods that have been preserved or stored for too long.
  • Limiting alcoholic drink.
  • Avoid yourself from sexually transmitted infections.
  • Avoid smoking. For smokers: quit smoking.
  • Strive for a balanced life and avoid stress.
  • Health check periodically and regularly.

Factors that may increase the risk of cancerChemical materialSubstances contained in cigarette smoke can cause various types of cancer in smokers and passive smokers (nonsmokers inadvertently inhaling other people's smoke) in the long term. Chemicals for industrial and smoke containing carbon compounds can increase the likelihood of an industrial worker suffering from cancer.Excessive radiationUltra violet rays from the sun can cause skin cancer. Radio active rays, X rays or excessive radiation can cause skin cancer and leukemia.VirusSome types of viruses closely related to the transformation of normal cells into cancer cells. This type of virus called a cancer-causing virus or oncogenic virus.HormoneHormones are substances produced by glands of the body whose function is to regulate the activities of organs of certain membranes. In some studies it is known that administration of certain hormones in excess can lead to increased incidence of some cancers such as breast, uterine, ovarian and prostate (male sex gland).FoodSubstances or chemicals found in certain foods can cause cancer such as foods stored and moldy old can be contaminated by aflatoxin. Aflatoxin is a substance produced by the fungus Aspergillus flavus that may increase the risk of liver cancer.

Examination and Treatment of Cancer

For that there are suspicions, the examination can be done is:

     Cytology and anatomic pathology
     Tests sign of cancer in the blood
     Mammography (special X-rays of the breast)
     Ultrasound / Ultrasound (photographing inner organs)
     Endoscopy (observation of the inner organs)
     Colposcopy (observation of the cervix)
     Laparoscopy (observation of the abdominal cavity)
     Photographing the layers of the body by means of CT Scan, MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)

Cancer treatment consists of one or a combination of the following procedures:

     Surgery (operation)
     Radiation (Radio-therapy)
     The use of medications cancer cell killing (sitostatika / chemotherapy)
     Increased endurance (immunotherapy)
     Treatment with hormones
     Organ transplants.
     stem Cell

The results of treatment mainly depends on the stage or level of cancer

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Monday, 9 May 2016

Health News-As we all know that our body is composed of a network, and the network split again into cells. In the body, these cells have their respective functions.

Then came morbidities as there are cells that grow rapidly and uncontrollably. This causes a variety of cancers. Cancer cells that can grow in various places in the human body.

Cancer is not a single disease, but comprises a variety of diseases caused by the malignant cells. And symptoms of various diseases of cancer also varies.

But in general, a common symptom among others are the wounds that do not heal, there are bumps but no pain (especially on the bump), bleeding or unusual discharge from the body.

Disruption of digestive functions, extreme fatigue and weight changes are also other symptoms that often exist. Well, now there's an idea of ​​what it is cancer, right? If so, it's time we talk about the type of cancer types.

Well, in the human body, there are a variety of cancers can grow and invade the body. Among the examples of all kinds of cancer

Esophagus Cancer

Cancer that attacks the esophagus, usually starts attacking the cells lining the esophagus along.

Early cancer may not cause symptoms. The symptoms progress as the tumor grows and obstruct the esophagus.

It is only when the tumor has grown large enough to narrow down your esophagus by about half the normal width of the main symptoms-difficulty swallowing will occur.

The main symptoms of esophageal cancer is dysphagia, which means difficulty swallowing. This happens because the tumor that limits the esophagus.

When swallowed you may feel like food has stuck. This is because the muscles of the esophagus should try to push the food pass through the tumor.

As a result, you may feel the need to chew food more, thus making small pieces so that they can travel to the bag easier.

You may also experience a burning sensation when trying to swallow food.

Common symptoms of esophageal cancer Other common symptoms because of esophageal cancer include.regurgitation food and vomiting Chest pain and swallowing difficulties.


Because the esophagus is located in the chest, cancer can mimic the heart disease or lungs. Chest pain may not related to eat. There may be the pain in the back as well. There may often choking food pain while swallowing is a common complaint other. This is called odynophagia. fuels heart and acid reflux Vomiting is often with evidence of blood in it hoarseness voice and cough refused to go within 2 weeks The pain throat and discomfort Progressive weight and fatigue due to the inability to eat There may be symptoms of respiratory diseases caused by aspiration or choking food so that the entry The trachea and lung.

Health News-Mesothelioma is malignant cancer aggressive that affect the membrane lining the lungs and stomach. Malignant mesothelioma or malignant mesothelioma is the most serious of all diseases associated with asbestos. Although rare, mesothelioma cancer is no longer considered rare. The main cause and risk factors for mesothelioma is the asbestos exposure. Make diagnosis of mesothelioma with the truth is very difficult for a doctor because this disease often appear with symptoms that resembles other common diseases.

Not found cure for mesothelioma, but care such as surgery and chemotherapy has helped improve prognosis typical of mesothelioma. Pleural mesothelioma( affects the protective layer of the lungs in the chest cavity) represents about three quarters of all events mesothelioma. While the peritoneal mesothelioma that affect the abdominal cavity and mesothelioma pericardial that affect the heart cavity, representing the rest of the incidence of mesothelioma. Mesothelioma testicular very rare and usually seen a typical with metastases from a variety of peritoneal. There are three types of cell types of mesothelioma that has been recognized. Between 50 and 70 % of all mesothelioma comes from the type of the epithelium. While this prognosis is still considered less aggressive than sarcomatoid mesothelioma and mesothelioma biphasic, which includes the rest of the diagnosis of cell types.


The cavity in the body which include chest, stomach, and heart surrounded by the cell membrane known as mesothelium. mesothelial cells This helps in the organ function general. Mesothelium to function is very important to the organs which is generally move, such as expansion or contraction of the lungs, stomach, or the heart. Lubrication of mesothelial cells allows free space of movement in the body. Mesothelium of the chest, stomach, and heart cavity is called pleural, peritoneum, and pericardium. Each grouping mesothelial cells is very important to function of the body structure that they cover.

While the tumor mesothelium first known to occur at the end of 18th century, until until mid- 20th century, this cancer studied and checked with more detail. At that suspicion relationship cause cancer with asbestos exposure to be more can be proved. A company joint research through the Ministry of Thoracic Surgery at the University of Witswater and General Hospital Johannesburg in South Africa provide evidence of the most interesting of the relationship between asbestos exposure and development of pleural mesothelioma.
